
.Ace Hotel NYC.

The Ace hotel is the place to be if you want to feel among friends... I even started organizing my stuff in the room (A thing that I never do in Hotels since It never feels like "a place to stay in and enjoy").

Friendly casual staff
Tasty music and food
Amazing interior design and materials
Charismatic industrial vintage arty rooms

I definitely recommend it!


.Working on a new project: The Architect.

Happy weekend everyone!


.When in a hurry... SLOW DOWN.


Un documentaire ARTE qui résume le futur!



Billets d'avion résérvés, Appart aussi... Et nous venons avec une amie Canadienne qui a déménagé à Amsterdam il y'a un mois et demi, et qui se sent sous l'eau.
Qui a dit qu'Amsterdam et les Dutchs étaient des gens accueillants et Faciles?!

Trop contente de revoir la ville, MANGER, voir les amis et la famille, me balader, bouquiner et profiter DU SOLEIL.


.What´s new?!?.

Among moving to Amsterdam, having a new job, missing Lisbon and still sharing my life with the most amazing gorgeous husband EVER... I have a baby, well, a 16months tiny human that we call Taz´, the Gremlin, MiniYôginí or puh´pee.

She has been the main activity since April 2013.
She is a Vegetarian baby.
She never went to daycare or had a nanny.
She just learned how to run! it is freaking funny.
She loves to dance.
She hates going out of the bath.
She looooves the beach.
She is AWESOME!!!

And we are sleep deprived, exhausted, sometimes frustrated not to have time for everything BUT... really having fun in this new adventure.


.Back to Black and White!.

I decided to come back to this blog, it felt strange but GOOD to read and see old posts! 
Time doesn´t fly at all, it just waits for the right moment to strike you back and give you that nostalgic beautiful feeling, and enough motivation to carry on :)
A lot of things happened since the last time I posted in here though, rediscovering myself again and again is just a thrill.

... More posts to come, in the meanwhile, I am sharing with you the music I am listening to right now



.There and back again.

.From Amsterdam.