
........The day everything started,

Sunny Sunday, friends around,
Doubts came back, after a night of deep talk&thought,
With no will to remember the past, I found myself forced to face it,
.....................Do I love you ?
Then, the sun went down, making space for a beautiful night ahead,


The night where everything started,
The night my heart felt happy again,
The night I learned that nothing really ends,
...............The 28th of November,"

The school of life_

5 commentaires:

Ida a dit…

Que lindo :) bjs <3

... a dit…

Sim amor <3
Nothing really ends,
PS. that was always our song .....

... a dit…


Écoute ça :)

"do you still love me ...... Do you feel the same, now do I have a chance of doing thta old dance with someone I've been pushing away......"

Gisele Setti a dit…

Sensível e lindo.

... a dit…

<3<3<3 saudades amigaaaaaa dos nossos passeios ;) beijo grande