
Paris je t'aime....

....Da vedere, e rivedere,

Romanzo Criminale....


ATTITUDE _Marrakech&Essaouira_

Passing by a kiosque in Chiado to buy my favourite portuguese magazine, got that pleasant surprise :Art, Design, Architecture, Style.....ATTITUDE issue about Marrakech&Essaouira.

Sometimes I wonder if people in Europe really know what Morocco is,
Apart beaches, surf, tourism and holidays....
A country where values, words are important,
Country where the "art de vivre", has inspired designers, artists, poetes, cooks, painters, movies...... and still,
A country where we live with refinement, and where everything exists with art,
A country that is in the top 10 of the most luxurious destinations in the world,
A country that has the strongest culture and tradition in the arabic world, mixed with a very open minded mentality to embrace whatever is new.....
A country where women are the most emancipated in the arabic world, they are tough, strong, and the best for business,
Where no one dies starving, where everyone shares everything, from the heart,

When you are hosted in a moroccan house, the fascination you feel about the slightest details takes you into a journey throughout food, decoration, music, lights, flavours, scents.....Everything!
When you have a moroccan friend, you can be sure that he is close to you, more than family can be, he says, he does, you need him, he will be there for you.....
One day, an Italian friend told me,
"when you date a Moroccan woman, you enter in a realm full of magic, delicacy and mystery .... the charisma, the hair, the eyes, the smile, the way they move, and the way they know how to take care of men....You cannot go back to "normality", she can leave you if you don't value her, but you can never leave or forget her"


By living in abroad since 7 years, working in famous groups, knowing famous people, traveling, visiting good places......I concluded that the majority of Europeans missed it all!!!
Looking through their ego of being "in the community"....they missed life,
I still get surprised by their ignorance, narrow mind, and judgment.....

I remember how I laughed when a frenchy asked me, "oh I never imagined that a Muslim girl can be dressed like this, so, how does it feel to be in europe? you don't have to wear the veil here huh?", then I replied "have you ever been to morocco or an arabic country?", he said :"no", then I said: "then may be you should visit, rather than watch Muslim TV"
Another one asked me "ah you speak french so well, without accent, are you french with moroccan origins", I said "No, I learned arabic and french at the same time, and my parents always talked to me both languages", then she said with a surprised look "Oh your parents speak french ???and how many languages you speak?", then I replied with the smile "5 languages, and you?"....then she said: "I speak french, and can have a basic talk in english....."!!!
In my first job in Paris, in the architecture department of Louis Vuitton, every morning I brought croissant for everyone, not to eat alone in front of them, after 4 times, they started asking me if I was trying to get something from my boss doing that, and I said, "no in my culture, it's impolite to eat in front of the others without sharing, so I bring for everyone....", could it be any worse??? Yes ... :)
One day, I was wearing a short skirt, and a collegue passed and said "u shouldn't be wearing short things, u are muslim", I replied "because I have the body that fits with it......", ok ok a bit bitchy, but she deserved it..........

Last week I was talking with my master about europeans, how they think they are the best ..... and that they should be the reference, does it have a relation with colonization ? for sure....

but why portuguese forget their history then? and forget that they have arab blood....culture, architecture, art.....and names everywhere, how can they act racist, or overproud, with their own roots, instead of considering it a wealth?.....

The only reason I can find for that questions is : IGNORANCE!

So, read, watch and learn


Lei (che ora ama un altro)

"hai ragione, ti capisco" le ho detto quando mi ha lasciato. Lo so, è uma frase del cazzo, ha fatto schifo anche a me sentirla appena l'ho detta. Lo capivo persino io quanto fosse mediocre. Ma in quei momenti le mie paure vengonoa a galla e mi bloccano. Anche fisicamente.

Stavo perdendo una persona importante per colpa della mia incapacità di dare.

Lei é la donna migliore che potessi mai avere. E l'ho persa, l'ho pera pel colpa mia. Ogni volta che mi chiedeva più attenzioni, ogni volta che mi si avvicinaca di più, io la tenevo a distanza anche solamente con una parole. Adesso quella distanza non la vorrei più. Lo facevo perché ho sempre pensato che non mi avrebbe mai lasciato. lo vedevo che mi amava. Lei ne era capace e non aveva paura di esprimere ciò che sentiva. Pensavo che il suo amore per me fosse sufficiente a superare la mia indecisione. Invece un giorno le è bastato un instante, una frazione di secondo, per dire stop e tutto è cambiato. E io mi sono reso conto in un istante dell'importanza di ciò che ho gettato via.

Passeggiavo per strada con lei e tutti la guardavano, al lavoro gli altri uomoni volevano scoparsela, baciarla, annusarla, toccarla, ma solo io potevo. Era la mia donna. Quando ero a letto con lei, non mi sembrava vero che fosse lì per me e che potevo toccarla, baciarla, stare addosso. Quella possibilità è meglior di qualsiasi droga. Guardavo, desideravo, toccavo. Potevo prenderla come volevo sul tavolo della cucina dopo cena. Potevo prenderla come volevo e lei me lo faceva fare. La sera, metre era al lavandino del bagno per struccarsi, le alzavo il vestito e la scopavo lì, spingendo fino in fondo nel caldo del suo corpo. Improvvisamente. E la vedevo riflessa nello specchio mordersi il labbro, vedevo il suo viso godere e le sue mani afferrare il bordo del lavandino. E sentivo che era felice, che era quello che voleva e che lo voleva da me. Questo mi mandava fuori da testa. La cosa incredibile è che lei -così bella, così desiderata, così affascinante- voleva che solo io facessi quelle cose con lei. Non desiderava altri uomini, nemmeno li vedeva, forse. E adesso invece io sono uno dei tanti.

Non posso più averla e penso che un altro uomo ora le sta mordendo il collo, i capezzoli, le sta aprendo le gambe. Un altro uomo le sta toccando la schiena, la sta annusando, le sta scostando i capelli dal viso mentre le parla. Un altro uomo le sta tenendo le mani sulla testa o sui fianchi. E lei pensa solo a godere e dimenticarmi, o forse lo ha già fatto. gode senza pensare a me ed è felice senza pensare a me. Finalmente felice, perché lui le ha dato ciò che lei desiderava e che io non sono stato in grado di darle."

Fabio Volo
_Il tempo che vorrei

"Non stai vivendo se non sai da vivere....."

"I'm very definitely a woman and I enjoy it" she said,

Marilyn Monroe
The last session
Centro cultural Cascais
July '11


"We live in a constant now again"

Just one kiss, a memory

Accumulate your history
Understand a little more
The aftermath of before

Just a moment lost in time
Pressing pause is time defined
Just a moment lost on you
Pressing play is all that you can do

Future plans and secrecy
Tentalizing you and me
If we're getting what we want
Are we what we need to be

Just a moment lost in time
Unrepeating, intertwined
Like a moment lost on you
You throw away everything that's new

Is it all you got for your money
All you got, are you getting enough
Cause you follow the herd but you'd rather be
Leading the ranks of a brand new breed

Are you getting enough for you money
And how does it feel now to be free

Just one crush, the very last
To lead you through that wall of glass
Feel the power of the now
You know the now last can never last

Just a moment lost in time
Pressing pause is time defined
Just a moment lost on you
Pressing play is all that you can do

You live in a constant now again

Is it all you got for your money
All you got, are you getting enough
Cause you follow the herd but you'd rather be
Leading the ranks of a brand new breed
Are you getting enough for your money
And how does it feel now to be free

And so we go round and round again
And for the magic of what could be

We live in a constant now again

_Constant now


_12th of Dec

"O valor das coisas não está no tempo em que elas duram, mas na intensidade com que acontecem. Por isso existem momentos inesquecíveis, coisas inexplicáveis e pessoas incomparáveis"

_Fernando Pessoa,

Paris Fashion Week, the place to be!

Don’t be surprised if you see models in a hurry, styled up people everywhere and photographers chasing celebrities…Paris Fashion Week has officially started!

This fashionable start of the week also means that we definitely need to keep up with the best events; here are our selected few places to be:

Le Silencio – David Lynch paid homage to his film « Mulholland Drive », by designing this brand-new club a few steps away from the Grands Boulevards. 50s inspired furniture, dark but classy design, this club host only exclusive artistic events and is the new place to be in the City of Light! L’hôtel Amour and Le Montana – both clubs are setting the tone of Parisian nightlife. Have a drink in the wintergarden of the hotel, before going to an after-party at Le Montana. There, you might bump into Kate Moss or even Karl Lagerfeld! Alternatively, you can also hang out at Café de Flore, a few steps from Le Montana.

Last but not least, the concept store Colette! Terry Richardson is doing a book signing on Saturday 1st October, to mark the release of his new book, “Mom & Dad”, by Mörel Books. Do not miss this epic occasion!


Coming soon.....

New Louis Vuitton architecture book comes out this month.
3 limited edition covers..

and my babies will be there



And when they kept telling me:
you really have another vibe.....everything is so different here,

I laugh and say:
The best is yet to come

you better get ready,

Art is never finished,

......Only abandoned,

_Leonardo da vinci

Resposta inaspettata,

Oggi, 4.00 della mattina.....

sdraiata sul letto, ho aperto il libro,
mi ha dato la resposta,

"Io avrei voluto prendere una sedia e spaccargliela in testa. Non lo sapevo, ma stavo imparando, giorno dopo giorno. Mi stava spiegando chi erano loro, e chi ero io. Mi stava insegnando come si sta al mondo. Quelli erano i miei veri corsi di formazione. I miei Master.
Imparare a restare in silenzio e tenere la testa alta: questa è la vera politica sociale."

_Il tempo che vorrei
Fabio volo


"Architects are the sexiest"

Because things are not by the meaning, but by the feeling,
......because no one can understand what I have in my 3D mind,
And because I can turn something basic to poetic,

I am the architects,

A foto do dia.....

Tradição é tradição,
You know when,
You feel,
You feel it deep inside,

strength I have in me, that one that makes miracles...
sometimes, I forget all I have accomplished, everything I've been through, funny, huh?

now, here, laying on the floor, listening to Nass el ghiwane in the dark night, doors open,
............smiling, feeling me,
only good moments make me value my choices, no matter what I face, no matter what others do, I always get what I wish for,
things always fall into place,

I did it damn good,


Goodnight, and thank you,


_Méfiez vous de l'eau qui dort .......

Et rappelez-vous que
_ les sceaux vides,
sont ceux qui font le plus de bruit



"These days, man know the price of everything, but the value of nothing"

Oscar Wilde,

The past is the past,
The present is what matters,
so why is it hard to move on?

That's the big question,

A stance with Palestine State 194


Qualidade de vida é,

Acordar ao teu lado,


E ver o BENFICA ganhar,
ou pelo menos, empatar,





"Observateur permanent"

The day they accept that they're angry with themself,
they'll stop messing around with the others,

In the meanwhile,

let's have....Compassion

Louis Vuitton Architecture....By Me,

First Louis Vuitton Appartement Concept Store,
Ninhonbashi Mitsukoshi, Tokyo_Japan,

À une Madone

Je veux bâtir pour toi, Madone, ma maîtresse,
Un autel souterrain au fond de ma détresse,
Et creuser dans le coin le plus noir de mon coeur,
Loin du désir mondain et du regard moqueur,
Une niche, d'azur et d'or tout émaillée,
Où tu te dresseras, Statue émerveillée.
Avec mes Vers polis, treillis d'un pur métal
Savamment constellé de rimes de cristal,
Je ferai pour ta tête une énorme Couronne ;
Et dans ma jalousie, ô mortelle Madone,
Je saurai te tailler un Manteau, de façon
Barbare, roide et lourd, et doublé de soupçon,
Qui, comme une guérite, enfermera tes charmes ;
Non de Perles brodé, mais de toutes mes Larmes !
Ta Robe, ce sera mon Désir, frémissant,
Onduleux, mon Désir qui monte et qui descend,
Aux pointes se balance, aux vallons se repose,
Et revêt d'un baiser tout ton corps blanc et rose.
Je te ferai de mon Respect de beaux Souliers
De satin, par tes pieds divins humiliés,
Qui, les emprisonnant dans une molle étreinte,
Comme un moule fidèle en garderont l'empreinte.
Si je ne puis, malgré tout mon art diligent,
Pour Marchepied tailler une Lune d'argent,
Je mettrai le Serpent qui me mord les entrailles
Sous tes talons, afin que tu foules et railles,
Reine victorieuse et féconde en rachats,
Ce monstre tout gonflé de haine et de crachats.
Tu verras mes Pensers, rangés comme les Cierges
Devant l'autel fleuri de la Reine des Vierges,
Étoilant de reflets le plafond peint en bleu,
Te regarder toujours avec des yeux de feu ;
Et comme tout en moi te chérit et t'admire,
Tout se fera Benjoin, Encens, Oliban, Myrrhe,
Et sans cesse vers toi, sommet blanc et neigeux,
En Vapeurs montera mon Esprit orageux.

Enfin, pour compléter ton rôle de Marie,
Et pour mêler l'amour avec la barbarie,
Volupté noire ! des sept Péchés capitaux,
Bourreau plein de remords, je ferai sept Couteaux
Bien affilés, et, comme un jongleur insensible,
Prenant le plus profond de ton amour pour cible,
Je les planterai tous dans ton Coeur pantelant,
Dans ton Coeur sanglotant, dans ton Coeur ruisselant !

Charles Beaudelaire

Olho em volta, e o que vejo,

Eu, ele,
e o teu cheiro
e mais ninguém em casa.....



_Your optimistic eyes seem like paradise, to someone like....me_

Depeche Mode

Finally found :)

O Epicurista
the store where I found Diptyque products and candles,
from now on, it will become my favourite spot to smell Paris
in Lisbon :)

Here is the adress:
Largo do Conde Barão nº 49
1200 - 118 Lisboa


shaktí, shakta

e muita energia,


Dia 1


Peace international day,

is peace international day,

Gandhi said,
"for peace to be real, it must be unaffected by outside circumstances",
tribute to those who are still struggling, dealing with ennemies
they created from themselves.
May peace come to you, today,